I have issues in the self esteem department. I've never been very good at it, that I can remember anyway (my mom swears that I had great self esteem as a child). So it's amazing to me how sure Elliot is of himself. He thinks he's pretty great....and he's right! Here's a small example...
We were running late, as usual. But I managed to get Elliot out of the car, run around to the other side, grab Evie and Elliot's school bag, get a hold of Elliot's hand and start our way across the street only a few minutes after preschool had started. As we were walking , we spotted one of the other Mommies leaving after dropping off her daughter . I smiled and nodded in her direction and she smiled back. Then she looked over at my little boy and said "Hi Elliot!". He was oblivious and just anxious to get to school. So I nudged him a little and asked him if he could say hi. He looked up, "OHh, HIIIIIII!!" and waved. She smiled and laughed a little to herself, probably because of his enthusiasm. We kept walking and Elliot looked up at me and said "She thinks I'm pretty cute". He paused. Then added, "I think I'm pretty cute too". I laughed and told him that of course he's pretty cute.
He's the self esteem master. Hopefully somewhere along my journey as his Mommy this ability of his will rub off on me. He does tell me I'm beautiful every day so that should help :)
I think you're pretty great!
Such a great story. I think you are both fabulous!
That kid is a riot! (Chuckle...) Oh, and I think you're a star, Brooke!
YOU used to have that kind of self esteem! When anyone would tell you that you were pretty you would twirl you hair and reply "I know." Somewhere along the way we all lose some of that child like confidence. Hopefully, you can help Elliot keep his along the way...
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