Wednesday, December 3, 2008


After more than a week of whining (on my part) to put up the tree.....we FINALLY got it up. My grandparents (GG and Papa Sampa) loaned us their very nice 6 foot tree. Thank you!! We love it and it looks great!

We put the big one up in the family room and Elliot gets a special treat....the little tree went up in his room. Super cool night light, huh? I'll post pictures of that once we get in decorated. Unfortunately we didn't have time to do both last night.

Here are a few pictures from our fun evening....

Poor Evie was trapped in her high chair for most of the festivities. We thought she would cause a problem by getting into everything.

But it was Elliot that turned out to be the real trouble maker :)

Evie just wanted daddy to take more pictures of her...and what could we do? The camera (and the photographer) LOVE her!

Eventually we let her down to join in the fun

Elliot was mostly just interested in playing with the ornaments. I think that nutcracker was putting the moves on Minnie....I'm pretty sure I heard him give her a kiss at one point hehe

Evie figured this out all on her own, and I wouldn't be surprised if she put more ornaments on the tree than Elliot did!


Koreena said...

How nice that you got a bigger tree! You're so brave to let your kids help. I'm just not ready for that yet (we still have bulb ornaments that break easily) so I decorated myself when the kids were in bed.

Lisa said...

i never realized how red evie's hair pretty! looks like you had a fun time getting the tree all decorate. I let my boys help this year too. brian loved it. he's really getting into chirstmaws this year. it's so fun. any fun plans coming up?

angela said...

We are having the same problem at our house. Olivia is playing with the ornaments. She's moved everything to one little section on the bottom too. Fun to see them getting into it more though huh?