Today when we got up we decided we needed to go to WalMart. I needed to get some more baby food for Evie and we needed a few supplies for the business too. So my mom, the kids, and I hopped in the car and headed on our way. When we pulled into the parking lot I heard Elliot in the back seat saying "We're here.....we came brought me back!". He was really excited. We were supposed to go to the other day but he fell asleep before we got there. So I stayed with him in the car while everyone else went inside. He woke up right as we were leaving and was really upset that he didn't get to go. Fast forward to today.
We got out of the car, grabbed Evie and the diaper bag, got her situated in the cart and made our way inside. Magah gave in and decided to let Elliot walk. As we walked in the store we came across the WalMart greeter. Our WalMart (and I'm sure yours too) has a really cute elderly man as the store greeter. He's there most days we go and usually stops us to give Elliot a sticker and say hello. So Elliot recognized him.....the difference between today and the other times is that he was walking instead of in the cart. So he stopped to chat with the greeter for a minute. The conversation went a little something like this....
Greeter: Well hello there! How are you today?
Elliot: Good. Look, I gots a new coat.....see! (while point at his coat)
Greeter: I see, that is a very nice coat. I like it.
Elliot: We just gots it at Target!
WALMART Greeter: *Lots of Laughter*
Now, I don't feel guilty about that at all. I haven't ever pledged my allegiance to WalMart. In fact, I probably *like* Target more. And they had better coats, so that's where I bought Elliot's. WalMart has cheaper food. You do what you gotta do.....but leave it to a three year old to spell that out for the world. Or at the very least the WalMart greeter :)